What is FICO score and process?


FICO ScoreBy the FICO score we understand the category of credit score that holds a major part of a credit report. This score is used by a lender to understand the eligibility of a borrower to get the loans. As the FICO score clearly shows out the way of the borrower to deal with a loan, it is an important weapon for the blenders to assess the risks associated with providing the loans or extending the loans. Continue reading

Wealth and Wellness: Why Health Matters!

Dalai Lama Famous Quote about Health and WellnessNot only are we the culprits of our own happiness, but we are also responsible for what we become or what we have to endure in the future. Even though surviving everyday life may be a hard task, there are much more things that we need more than consider to live a happy and fulfilled life, and one is our attitude towards working and our disregard for our health. Continue reading